Task 53
Task 53
SHC Task 53

New Generation Solar Cooling & Heating

New Generation Solar Cooling & Heating Systems (PV or solar thermally driven systems)


The main objective of this Task is to assist a strong and sustainable market development of solar PV or new innovative thermal cooling systems. It is focusing on solar driven systems for both cooling (ambient and food conservation) and heating (ambient and domestic hot water).

The scope of the Task are the technologies for production of cold/hot water or conditioned air by means of solar heat or solar electricity, i.e., the subject which is covered by the Task starts with the solar radiation reaching the collector or the PV modules and ends with the chilled/hot water and/or conditioned air transferred to the application. However, although the distribution system, the building and the interaction of both with the technical equipment are not the main topic of the Task this interaction will be considered where necessary.

Task Information

March 2014June 2018

Dr. Daniel Mugnier
+33 4 51 08 10 21